Last September 27th we enjoyed a full-of-science night thanks to the amusing workshops and talks celebrated forming part of the European Researchers Night! Our researchers shared their science with hundreds…
Don't miss the episode "The Invasion of the Mutant Plants" on the show @escarabajoTVE, featuring researchers from IHSM La Mayora discussing genetically modified organisms. Video
Canal Sur Noticias reports on the "Andalucía Agro-Hub," an event that brings together researchers from CSIC centers in our region dedicated to Agricultural Sciences. Professionals from the Zaidín Experimental Station…
A few days every month our institute arranged a guided tour to show our research center and some research techniques to students (from high school to collage). Geminiviruses and plant…
The journalist and host of the program A hombros de gigantes on RNE5, Manuel Seara, interviews Enrique Moriones, the director of IHSM La Mayora CSIC-UMA, live on the occasion of…
Our group leader and vicedirector of IHSM La Mayora CSIC-UMA, Eduardo Rodríguez Bejarano, was interviewed on Radio 5 of RNE on the occasion of the XV Plant Molecular Biology Meeting,…